Thursday, July 15, 2010

Helping the Dyslexic Child

Dyslexia begins when the wires don't meat.pdf. It is actually the way the brain functions. Dyslexics have a larger right hemisphere brain which controls:
  • Spacial abilities
  • Face Recognition
  • Visual Imagery
  • Music.
The left side of the brain controls:
  • Language
  • Math
  • Logic
This may be the reason that dyslexics often excel in the fields of artist, athletics, mechanical fields, 3-D visualization; musical talents; creative problem solving; and intuitive people skills. That is also a clue as to which tools to use when teaching them. In other words use activities/ games, music, and hands on teaching with these kids.

F/MRI studies show that those with dyslexia do not use the same part of the brain to read as do others. In fact they (the dyslexic), seem to use different parts of the brain rather than one single area as do most readers.

If a child lacks phonetic skills they have trouble sounding out words resulting in difficulty reading which only adds to the struggles these children experience. So it is highly important to teach phonics with these children using their natural talents.  It is also important to understand as much as you can about their individual learning style as it is about their dyslexia. Each child is unique, and much more than their dyslexia.

Below are some recommendations that use right brain skills to teach , but notice what your child responds to the most, and let that be your guide
As parents we often want to make life easy for our children.  But studies show that when we eliminate struggle out of a child's experiences, we actually decrease their self esteemSelf esteem is accomplished when the child discovers they have the ability in themselves to accomplish and overcome.  So even though a dyslexic child often faces more struggle than most, that may be the very thing that will give him/ her the confidence  needed to succeed in life.


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